Monday 25 January 2016

Nancy Isime - I love funny men

Nancy Isime is a hot super model
Nancy Isime is a hot super model. The former 2009 Miss Valentine International, is also an actress and anchor of ‘Trending on Hip TV’. The bubbly actress spoke with VANESSA OKWARA about her budding career and the qualities in a man she finds interesting
How long have you been in the entertainment industry?
I started as a model; then I won a beauty pageant and started modelling full time. Acting came along the way and I started acting and I have also added TV presenting to my career. I anchor the popular TV program ‘Trending on Hip TV’.
Which pageant did you win?
Miss Valentine International, 2009. When did you go into modelling? I was barely 18 when I started modelling. I did so because a lot of people kept telling me I needed to model and that I look good as a model, so I just did.
What has it been like in the modelling industry?
Modelling for me is not so much on my plate now. I’m not modelling a lot because I’m mostly presenting and also acting. So modelling has kind of reduced but when I was in it, it was amazing, it was very kind to me, it was fair to me because I got a couple of campaigns, runways, you name it. I was on everybody’s list at that time so it was good.
What made you go into acting?
It was literally from a director named Dickson Zambazu, a Ghanaian director. He saw some potential in me that I didn’t see in myself and he said I should come and read a script and I did. I went because he said he was going to pay me and I just love to make money, so I went there and I got picked.
Then people started telling me that I was talented in acting and I was like, okay! Since then it’s become a very good passion. I like to say that anything I find myself doing, I like to be passionate about it; I put in my hundred per cent because my name is my brand, so once my name is on it, I go all in.
What movies have you starred in that people easily recognise you?
I starred in ‘Hex,’ a 26-minute short film directed by the popular cinematographer, Clarence Peters. It’s a horror movie. The short film won an award at the 2015 Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF), as the Best Short Film.
There are a couple more on Ebony Life TV series like ‘Haven’, also ‘Echoes’, ‘Daddy’s girls’ and music videos from celebrity acts like 2Face’s ‘Iheneme’ and Solid Star’s ‘Omotena’ and a couple that are just out there at the moment.
What was growing up like?
Growing up was amazing. Growing up was like every other Nigerian child, my dad wanted me to be a Chief judge but, I’m sorry daddy, I can’t read every day and every night. I’m not cut out for that type of life to keep reading.
But he’s proud of me right now because I’m doing really well and he has not seen any bad part of me. Nobody has come to him to say your daughter is this, your daughter is that and he’s a very big fan of all my works.
He watches all my TV series and tries to watch all my movies and he watches all my programs. So that makes me very proud and am trying to make him proud of me.
I am honestly just living my life the way I want to and fortunately, it pleases my dad. My mom is late, she died in 1996, we are five in the family and I have a younger sister and three older ones. I’m the 4th child, from Edo State, Esan precisely.
What is your beauty routine like?
I just literally wash my face, apply some toner and some moisturiser and am good.
What’s your passion, what drives you?
The fact that God created the earth in just seven days is a huge inspir a – tion for me. It just shows that i f you put your mind to something, you can actually do it. What really drives me is the fear of failure.
My dad believes in me so much, he allowed me to go out and start working at the age of 17. So I don’t want him to think that after a few years, even after allowing me work early, I’m still nothing; so it pushes me to be better.
What is your fashion style?
My style really is comfortable; anything that is comfortable is my style. I will wear anything that looks good on me. I don’t have to follow trends. I don’t want to go out and I look like every other person.
Sometimes I cannot avoid it but when I can, I try not to. So I just like to look decent. Sometimes I try to look anyhow, depending on my mood.
Would you pose nude for a certain amount?
As a model I will; but I will not show you parts that you are not supposed to see. I can do glamour photography. T h a t is where you do a kind of silhouette; where someone can say, ‘this girl is naked but I can’t s e e anything.’ As a model, I’ve done glamour modelling, but go full nude? I cannot.
What part of your body is your best feature?
My brain is my best asset. Some people think I have a good nose, I will say it’s not my best asset, my nose is not the best there is.
Are you in a relationship now and what is he like?
I’m in a relationship with me, myself and I. We are in love, we happen to be in this perfect relationship where we are just happy every day and we are making money. Unfortunately, I don’t like to talk about my personal relationship.
I’m a TV presenter and I get to ask people about their relationships and I force them to tell me but for me, I don’t want to talk about it because as a woman, things change. I can say today that I’m single and tomorrow I might be in a relationship. Let’s just say that I’m in a very happy place and I intend to stay in it for the longest time.
What are the qualities in a man that you admire?
He has to be extremely funny to make me laugh. He has to have something he’s doing. I don’t like idle people and he has to be very smart. I like to hold conversations with a very intelligent person, so if he cannot hold a conversation with me that I can pick up from, then I will not be talking to him anytime.
I like intelligence, I like someone who is very self-secured, whose self-esteem is on the high not someone I have to babysit.
I’m sort of in the lime light, everything I do is on TV, so if I have to explain why I’m holding Dbanj and his hands are on my waist, then I don’t want to be with you because you should know exactly what am capable of doing and what am not capable of doing; someone who just trusts me.
What are the things ‘you long throat for’ as they say in the popular parlance on social media?
I have been seeing that but I didn’t give it a second thought because I don’t like trends, but I will say I ‘long throat’ for a stress free life. In Lagos, it’s pretty hectic so if I say I ‘long throat’ for a stress free life, I mean all round…business, personal, everything.
What is your fashion fetish?
It could be earrings, stud earrings. Actually my nose ring is what I don’t joke with, since I got it pierced like three y e a r s ago, I h a v e b e e n o b – sessed with it; s o m e p e r – fumes a n d s o m e n i c e comfy gowns.

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